Wednesday, September 3, 2008

finishing previous post...

I don't know what the heck happened on previous post...but here is the rest.

Ok..Martha Stewart I am not, but this cake was fun making with Sammy. He helped me pick out the decorations and he even decorated the cupcakes...after he tested every color of the DOTS candy.

And here is mister man now...the only photo I have of his face from the whole party!

And here is BIRTHDAY BOY! He is leaning in for a bite on that left photo. he was so funny eating his cake. He tried to feed Nana, Daddy and even the party hostess! He loves to share his food...though usually it's with the dogs.

We had a lot of fun...including a disappearing cousin. He joined the BIG party going on in the next room. We had a scare for about 2 minutes, but luckily we found him sliding on their slide. He was completely oblivious. 3 yr olds are so funny.

***just to let everyone know, the photos are limited because not all of my family wants photos of their kids on here. Also, Austin and Sam do not sit still for photos at home, they certainly aren't going to do it in a play place. And because I freaked out by some freaks claiming photos of various kids as their own, my photos will have a "watermark" on them. I'm not claiming them as copyrighted, just making sure no one tries to use them.****

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About Me

My photo
Richmond, Texas, United States
I am a stay at home mom to 4 boys-a teen, a kindergartener, a toddler and a new lil one! There is no lack of antics at my house. I found true love on the internet (but I dated him in high school)! We recently moved to Richmond (a suburb of Houston) after 3 years in DFW area. I am still unpacking this house and trying to make everything fit-I feel like I am shoving a square into a circle! It's been a year-don't judge. It's not nice. My best friend is my sister-when I don't want to kill her. I am slightly obsessed with photography, scrapbooking and polka that order. I claim that pink is my favorite color, but I'm a fan of all color! There is a skinny girl screaming inside me...but I just shut her up with chocolate!

My loot

Minolta Maxxum 7D
Minolta 50mm 1.8
Minolta 18-70
Minolta 28-100
Minolta 75-300
Vivitar 850AFM
Keinko Extension Tubes
Crumpler 6 million dollar
Wicked Stitch bag
Photoshop Elements 5
