Monday, September 29, 2008

The end is almost near.....

Electricity has been restored!! woohoo!! Last night I slept in my own bed again. It was ooooh so nice! Sam and Gabe both slept late-though it did me absolutely no good, since I still had to get up early. Had to get up and head of to sis in laws and clean out our bathroom and do general cleaning-ya know as a good guest should do. And I was supposed to watch Desperate Housewives and Bros & Sis's, that she recorded for me-but I FORGOT!! OMG!! So I don't know what I'm going to do. Is it really worth $3.50 a gallon to drive 30 miles one way......uhmmmmmm. YEAH!!

But, I have to be an adult about this-because we just signed a contract on a NEW HOUSE!!! I am so excited I can't stand it. It's been 8 months...8 LOOOOOOONG MONTHS that we have been here in my mother in laws house. I don't know what it feels like to have real privacy. To be able to come out in the living room and hang out with my kids with no input or someone else correcting my kids constantly. (or telling me my clothes are done in the dryer/washer-that really drives me batty!! lol)

We looked at some GORGEOUS homes-I really wanted an older home from the 80's. I think they are so much more character than new homes. But our last home needed repairs and Kevin is such a handyman (and a bit anal retintive) they were all fixed ASAP-even if the money wasn't there. home it is. We had one lined up, but we knew they wouldn't except our offer (I was not sensitive to their feelings, cause they are corporate, so I didn't give a flip!) I asked for $55K off AND some more in concessions!! lol We found out today they didn't except, and their counter offer was reasonable, but still more than we wanted to pay. Plus I really didn't like the house. (I didn't hate it, it was nice, but it wasn't what I wanted)

So we looked. After all the older homes, we drove out to another neighborhood and we found one we both agreed on. The kitchen is GINORMOUS!!!!!!!! I mean, really I'm going to have to learn how to cook!!! :-) (well, cook better) I have an island!!! And my master bedroom is upstairs with the kids-which is what I want, unfortunately, I am in the minority on that point, so builders don't build like that anymore. My living room overlooks the backyard, as does my breakfast nook and my kitchen! My wash room is upstairs next to the kids rooms. And it's neutral brick with white trim and black shutters!!! Exactly what I was going to do to the other house!!!!!!

We are still going thru all the loan crap-but we've already been preapproved (pulled our credit), now they are just verifying. I am hoping our rate is good-I am so scared with everything going on.

OH and yes, this means we did sell our house finally!! It is GONE!!!!! We closed Thursday, it funded on Friday (the day Washington Mutual went down-agh!) We freaked when we heard that. BUt all was good.

We probably won't move in until closer to the end of October, because Kevin goes out of town for 2 weeks. Damn ol job! (but it's paying for my nice new house, so I will deal)

Off to search my decorating mags-I am so amped up for this new house!


*Jennifer* said...

i am so glad to hear your life is finally starting to get back to normal, i guess only to turned over again in a few weeks, but that is for a good cause! now we need to re-plan the photo outing!

Arcalee said...

Congrats Dayna! Glad your back in town. We have to get together, once you get settled in your new home.

Paparazzimommy_Dayna said...

Arcalee if you see this-will you send me an invite again? for some reason I can't get to your blog now. thanks!

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About Me

My photo
Richmond, Texas, United States
I am a stay at home mom to 4 boys-a teen, a kindergartener, a toddler and a new lil one! There is no lack of antics at my house. I found true love on the internet (but I dated him in high school)! We recently moved to Richmond (a suburb of Houston) after 3 years in DFW area. I am still unpacking this house and trying to make everything fit-I feel like I am shoving a square into a circle! It's been a year-don't judge. It's not nice. My best friend is my sister-when I don't want to kill her. I am slightly obsessed with photography, scrapbooking and polka that order. I claim that pink is my favorite color, but I'm a fan of all color! There is a skinny girl screaming inside me...but I just shut her up with chocolate!

My loot

Minolta Maxxum 7D
Minolta 50mm 1.8
Minolta 18-70
Minolta 28-100
Minolta 75-300
Vivitar 850AFM
Keinko Extension Tubes
Crumpler 6 million dollar
Wicked Stitch bag
Photoshop Elements 5
