Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lazy Day

We are sitting here enjoying a wonderful, though rare, lazy day. It's wonderful! No cooking dinner (have lots of leftovers), no school or work tomorrow...just lazy. These are actually very rare in our house, with 4 kids you can't sit around a whole lot.

So yesterday we were off the computer for a lot of the day. We stayed upstairs putting clothes up and washing a few more. Gabe loves when we play upstairs-that's 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and the hallway! He can drag some toys out in those areas. And Lord help you if you don't watch him the whole time. I went down to get us drinks and a snack and I was greeted by this.

I recently moved the games to this cabinet. They were previously in a closet in an area they couldn't reach. Then I did that. Stupid, I know. But in my defense, I moved all my photography stuff to the closet, which is downstairs. It actually makes better sense. Except on days like these.

When Gabe is so proud.
Then he did this
Yes, that is my bracelet he is wearing. Another perk to being upstairs...mommy's jewelry box. One of his favorite toys. So much so that it had to be moved into the toilet area so he wouldn't always get in it!! lol Oh and I got in some serious trouble when I moved that horse back out into the hallway. You know those "angry, scorned women"? They are NOTHING compared to my pissed off 2 yr old. Lemme tell ya!

Remember those leftovers I was telling you about? Well I have been cooking up a storm this week. Mostly from the Pioneer Woman's book. I made her Comfort/BBQ Meatballs and her Mashed potatoes. huge hit! big!!

Then last night there was Marlboro Man's Fav Sammy and her Onion Strings. This is what we have been eating all week and tonight. it has been F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. around here!! And I feel good about cooking such good stuff!

And because it's Thanksgiving, here's one of my lil man's having his turkey parade at school!!! Gooble Gooble!!

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About Me

My photo
Richmond, Texas, United States
I am a stay at home mom to 4 boys-a teen, a kindergartener, a toddler and a new lil one! There is no lack of antics at my house. I found true love on the internet (but I dated him in high school)! We recently moved to Richmond (a suburb of Houston) after 3 years in DFW area. I am still unpacking this house and trying to make everything fit-I feel like I am shoving a square into a circle! It's been a year-don't judge. It's not nice. My best friend is my sister-when I don't want to kill her. I am slightly obsessed with photography, scrapbooking and polka that order. I claim that pink is my favorite color, but I'm a fan of all color! There is a skinny girl screaming inside me...but I just shut her up with chocolate!

My loot

Minolta Maxxum 7D
Minolta 50mm 1.8
Minolta 18-70
Minolta 28-100
Minolta 75-300
Vivitar 850AFM
Keinko Extension Tubes
Crumpler 6 million dollar
Wicked Stitch bag
Photoshop Elements 5
